Dismissal Articles

Are you facing a Christmas Redundancy? Don't despair...

Are there instances where a disabled employee can be dismissed?

Lawson West provides FREE Walk-In sessions each week where you can speak to an experienced employment specialist about your employer troubles...

How to approach a Settlement Agreement negotiation and useful steps you can take...

Phoebe Skarlatos, Head of Probate, Wills & Trusts, explains...

Should employers control alcohol consumption at staff Christmas parties and social gatherings? 1 in 3 workers witness party harassment or inappropriate behaviour CMI study finds...

We set out the reasons why appointing an experienced employment solicitor really makes a difference...

We're aware of a rise in Settlement Agreements between employers and employees. Here are the key things you need to know about Settlement Agreements in a nutshell...including a helpful flowchart

Is the flurry of resignations and sackings within Parliament legal? What about Constructive Unfair Dismissal?

Omicron Plan B restrictions will come to an end after Wednesday 26th January, Boris Johnson announces

Mrs Amy Pullin who lives in Leicester, hit the national news headlines with her unfair dismissal tribunal win against her employers...read the story...

Working more than 48 hours a week for your employer might not be lawful. The McMahon case demonstrates the protection offered by the 1998 Working Time Regulations where an employee chose not to opt-out and challenged her subsequent dismissal...

Did you know there are several ways of making people redundant? And not all employers get it right. Vaishali Thakerar, Head of Employment at Lawson-West Solicitors explores the criteria employers should apply in making redundancies...

If your employment contract has been terminated...you might have been unfairly dismissed. What can you do about it?

Findings and Report on Coronavirus in the workplace, from the views and perspectives of employees. Not to be missed. See our full report and statistics.

According to The Ministry of Justice, there has been an 18% increase in employment tribunal single claims during lockdown. Read about the tribunal claims backlog...

Employers can expect a government bonus promise of £1,000 per member of staff they re-engage back from the Flexible Furlough Scheme after it ends in October 2020

From today businesses have the flexibility to bring furloughed employees back part time.

Claire worked as an accountant for a medium size accountancy firm in the West Midlands for 9 years. She was made redundant based on an unfair scoring matrix that was biased.

Experienced employment lawyer, Carrie-Ann Randall, explores the situation facing many employers right now – to keep employees on, or to make redundancies. See our guide and recommendations.

Employment Tribunals continue to react to Impact of Covid-19. In this article, Director Ashley Hunt explores employment tribunal use of Cloud platforms and video link in cases.

Mental Health Foundation's recent study of people in Lockdown warns of loneliness and stress and the long-term risk for mental health. We look at the employer obligations for employees.

Gideon's a Hedge Fund Manager, working in The City for a large global Hedge Fund management firm in London, he's been dismissed after facing stress in the workplace

On 15 April, Vaishali Thakerar was a speaker at the RICS-organised Covid-19 webinar on the impact of Coronavirus on employment in the workplace.

So what are your rights to work from home if your employer says no?

With the unprecedented events sweeping our nation, there is considerable confusion on how employers should act and react. Here are Frequently Asked Questions and Answers to offer employers support.

What is Furlough Leave for Employees? Find out here from Lawson-West

How might social distancing affect my job if I still have to work?

A recent case has emphasised the importance of knowing, understanding and complying with company policy and procedures for internet usage and conduct.

Competing Protected Characteristics - transgender reassignment and the law - and what it means for employers and employees

– A Timeline of Sexism and Equality. The main Acts of law that have brought us closer to Equality in the UK and within the legal profession.

World Mental Health Day: stress in the workplace now a commonplace occurrence

The demise of Thomas Cook makes us all fearful about our own employers and their viability

The law states that an individual has been unfairly dismissed if it is as a result of an ‘automatically unfair’ reason or discrimination. An employer can dismiss an individual and if the individual deems it to be unfair, they can challenge it.

Recently, the charity Maternity Action have released a report on the impact of unfair redundancies on pregnant women and new mothers. The report calls on the Government to act urgently on its commitment to review redundancy protection, which was made in January 2017 but is yet to be acted upon.

When news about the collapse of the Monarch airline broke, it came out of the blue. Holiday makers were stranded; people waiting to go away had to make alternative arrangements and the issues did not stop there, what about the staff?

Yesterday (5/9/17) there was a landmark decision by the European Court of Human Rights who ruled that a worker had his rights breached when his private emails were monitored by his employer without his knowledge. .
This case involved an engineer in charge of sales between August 2004 and August 2007. As part of his role, he was asked to set up a Yahoo Messenger account to handle customers’ queries.