Corporate & Commercial Articles

There are different ways to buy a business and several things to consider including the tax implications....

We know selling a business is a significant milestone, marking the culmination of years of hard work and the next stage in a business owners’ life...

Dealing with property ownership and tax issues can be overwhelming, and a recent case involving the Mudans serves as a clear example of why seeking specialist advice is so important, particularly when it comes to Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) assessments...

The most recent HMRC monthly property transactions commentary published on the 29th November 2024 certainly shows the strength and growth in the commercial property market in the UK. The key figures published are as follows...

At Lawson West Solicitors, we have noticed more landowners entering into Promotion Agreements when selling land for development, instead of traditional methods such as Option Agreements or Overage/Uplift Agreements...

Why is the Law Commission reviewing the LTA 1954 and what are the potential changes?

You may have made the decision to retire or step back from your business. This requires careful planning and implementation to achieve a smooth transition, business continuity and a hassle free exit...

What is Business Asset Disposal Relief? What Are The Changes From The Autumn Budget? Why you should act now...

What is a Bridging Loan and Why Have One? Our Commercial Law team explains....

In short, the answer is yes, but the process is not straightforward and there are many factors which can change this answer...

If you are contemplating a management buy-out or business purchase, getting the due diligence right is a critical factor...Lawson West Solicitors can help

We list factors you might want to investigate as part of a business purchase due diligence...

If you are planning on buying or selling a business, or currently in negotiations to do so, then it is crucial for you to take legal advice as soon as possible...

Lawson West Solicitors is proud to sponsor the Leicester Property Face2Face Curry Club, join us and book your place...

It's crucial for landowners submitting planning applications or developers acquiring land to seek advice early to fully understand BNG requirements...

Management buy-outs (MBOs) and management buy-ins (MBIs) are complex transactions that require expert legal guidance. Lawson West Solicitors is here to ensure your deal progresses smoothly and efficiently.

When you're buying a business, there's lots of things to prepare and think about in advance...

It is vital that a guarantor understands precisely the implications and consequences of what they are signing...

EOTs are a form of discretionary trust set up to purchase shares in a company; allowing employees to collectively own the company they work for. It is an exit option being considered by business owners in recent years...

Well done to Beverley Heys, Senior Associate & Team Manager at Lawson-West, who has been nominated for 'Legal Executive Of The Year'!

Senior Associate Solicitor, Rob Flannagan, explains...

There are differences between, and pros and cons with, the two structures; which the buyer and seller should understand before commencing the transaction...

How will climate change affect my property? Director Rebecca Beswick explains...

“There are a lot of people from the property industry in Leicestershire who are keen to meet face-to-face in great surroundings over an exceptional curry...”

Senior Solicitor, Russell Dowling, outlines some of the main points of interest....

At Lawson-West, we are seeing a large number of requests for new commercial leases and the Landlord (or Agent) will usually require a rent deposit from the new Tenant, but we regularly get asked the same questions. Our Commercial Property Team provide the answers.

Members of staff and business contacts have grouped together today to take part in a business-to-business inspired charity football tournament... read more

Buyers often opt for a quick scan of the legal pack, but Lenders have strict requirements and might not release funds if there are outstanding issues.

A company that has been dissolved is one that has been closed and removed from the Register of Companies at Companies House. This means a company no longer exists and is no longer able to trade. If you wish to restore a company, there are two main ways to do this...

Join the Webinar: Laurence Duncan interviews Lawson-West Solicitors' Managing Director, David Heys about the business challenges in Lockdown

The latest statistics for business applications for CBILS, CLBILS and Bounce Bank loans published

Regional and local government provides £20million in new grant funds for smaller business in the wake of coronavirus pandemic.

How will your business bounce-back from Coronavirus? See Lawson-West Solicitors' x5 Top Tips...

From today businesses have the flexibility to bring furloughed employees back part time.

Lawson-West’s experienced commercial solicitor, David Heys, outlines some of the questions facing business owners with post-lockdown premises issues; many seek to change their lease or vacate their premises.

Lawson-West Managing Director, David Heys, comments on the recent BBC article about successful businesses who all started in a recession. What can we learn from them?

The Government's CBILS business financial support scheme has had nearly 100,000 applications and Bounce Back Loan applications nearly 1,000,000 applications during Coronavirus

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced on Monday 27th April new support for small and medium-sized businesses with the new “Bounce Back” loan

What Support Is Available to My Business, and How Do I Access It? The Government has introduced a number of new business support schemes to help UK businesses to keep afloat. Lawson-West highlights and explains them all in this easy document.

In his latest article, David Heys explores the importance of properly drafted legal paperwork and shares some of his experiences that highlight the risks of cutting corners.

Join our seminar on Succession Planning - Wednesday 30th October at Dominus Way

David Heys identifies a few of the Hard Brexit choices that business owners may need to face in the coming months.

Our next Leicester seminar: Making Sense of Business Contracts

A recently concluded case, Bates v Post Office Ltd, has brought into question the efficacy of the contracts between sub-postmasters and the Post Office, in terms of their implied duty of good faith in ‘relational’ contracts. In a landmark case which concluded in recent days, the High Court has ruled that sub-postmasters' contracts with the Post Office were "relational contracts", in which there was an implied obligation of good faith.

The UK’s Electronic Communications Code (ECC) has been updated a number of times in recent months, to support the government’s broadband ambitions. The 2017 Electronic Communications Code came into force on the 28th December 2017, giving telecommunications operators statutory rights to install and operate electronic communications apparatus on, under or over land in connection with the provision of their network.

In June 2016, the UK referendum on EU membership was taken and the UK voted, by a narrow margin, to exit the EU. On the 29th March 2017, the UK Government served formal notice under Article 50 of The Treaty on European Union to terminate the UK’s membership of the EU.

8 months since the new GDPR regulations were enforced, Google has been hit with a £44m fine over their breach of the rules. Google are the first tech giant to be fined to such an extent, but this is not surprising when you consider that they are one of the biggest handlers and processors of personal data.

The UK is scheduled to leave the EU on Friday 29th March 2019 and negotiations about the future relations between the UK and the EU are currently underway. Trade, travel and security are the main items on the agenda and it is hoped that an agreement on how these areas will be managed post-Brexit will soon be reached.

Negotiating contracts is routine practice for any business, it is important that they are documented correctly and cover the key issues you require them to, to avoid any future complications or disputes. This article addresses all types of contracts and provides an overview on the key aspects to think about when negotiating any kind of contract.

There is no law that states that a shareholders’ agreement must be put in place when a business is first formed but there are many reasons why it is advantageous. Nobody can predict whether a business relationship will remain harmonious, everybody hopes it will and, in most instances, they do, but what happens when circumstances do change? At Lawson-West a few of our clients have experienced this, it is never simple to solve, and we want to educate individuals and help to mitigate this risk.