Why Don't You Make a Will?

Why Don't You Make a Will?

Why don’t you make a Will? 

A survey by Prudential and Unbiased.co.uk revealed that over half of adults (59%) had not made a Will. And for over-55s, 36% had no Will at all. 

We all know that making a Will is a good idea, and especially important for parents or people with dependents to consider, and people with health conditions, but they are also important for fit and healthy people too.

The most important thing to remember is that every stage in your life, you should have a Will drawn-up that protects your wishes.

man in suit over desk

When should you make a Will?

The triggers for action are:

- buying your first property

- moving in with someone

- getting engaged, entering a civil partnership or marriage

- getting divorced or remarried

- having children or adopting

- moving abroad

- children reaching 18 or 21 yrs

- receiving an inheritance from your parents or family

- retiring 

- ill health, or degenerating capacity

- becoming elderly, or entering a nursing or care home.


Why don't people make a Will?

We see clients every day about Probate and Wills and we've identified five primary reasons that people offer as to why they don't prioritise making their Will:

  1.     I will do it later - I'll put it off as other issues are more pressing

  2.     I don't have the cash to pay a solicitor right now - I haven't budgeted for the payment or other payments take priority

  3.     I don't like to think about my death - it upsets me to discuss the impact it will have on loved-ones

  4.     I don't know how to go about it - we see a growing trend in younger people saying this

  5.     I’m not bothered - someone else can deal with the paperwork after I'm gone.

Reasons for not making a Will include people waiting for when they are older, or wealthier, or assuming that their assets would go to their partner, spouse or children automatically when they die. This isn’t necessarily so, as many modern marriages are second marriages with complex inheritance issues for multiple children from different relationships.

You would think that business owners would make preparation for the future in a Will, not only for their personal assets, but also to plan ahead for the assets of the business, their shares, capital and pension schemes should they die – but very few actually do.

What happens if I don’t make a Will?

Your property and assets will be dealt with under the ‘laws of intestacy’.

If you were to die without a Will, your spouse or Civil Partner may not be entitled to inherit the whole of your estate.  If you and your partner are not married or in a civil partnership then they would not be entitled to any of your money or property and could face losing their home.

If you don’t make a Will, then your wishes will not be taken into account and no gifts of either personal belongings or money can be made to friends, relatives or charity.  

If you die without making a Will which appoints a guardian for any children under the age of 18 then Social Services will become heavily involved in any decisions about their future.  Your wishes for their welfare, education and future will not be taken into account as they have not been formally recorded.

At Lawson-West we recommend that all adults need to have a Will in place. It makes sense to be organised and is the kindest and best way to protect your loved ones.

If you would like to discuss your Will requirements with a qualified Solicitor, you can contact us here.

For more information about the services we provide, please click here.

Take control.

Plan ahead to Make Your Will.

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