National Statistics – How Many People Have Made a Will?

How many UK people have made a Will?
According to the 2024 National Wills Report, published by the National Will Register - the UK provider of Will search and registration – more people than you’d think have made a Will and put their affairs in order.
Over half of people have written a Will in the UK, including 57% of men and 50% of women. This number could rise, too, with 9% of respondents saying that they cannot recall if they have written a will or not.
What affect does age have on making a Will?
The uptake in Wills does increase with age, as you would expect:
41% of young adults aged 18-24 have a Will;
47% of 25-54 year-olds; and
69% of those over the age of 55.
This is hardly a surprise, however the uptake in the younger generations does show a positive growing relationship with estate planning from an early age. There is also a correlation with relationship status.
Those who are single are less likely to have a Will over someone in a relationship or living with a partner, and it increases further if married, divorced or widowed. Will writing goes up by half from 39% to 61%.
Geographical Will making
52% of people in the Midlands have made a Will. That’s just ahead of Wales at 51% and just behind East Anglia at 53%. This compares to the three biggest areas for Will writing which are Scotland (58%), London, and the South West (both at 57%).
Reasons why people don’t make a Will
Of those surveyed who hadn’t made a Will, the main reasons were:
43% feel they don’t own enough or that their estate is too simple to warrant a Will
46% feel they are too young or healthy to make a Will (including 91% in the 18-24 age bracket, dropping to 40% of 35-44 year olds and 17% of over 55s); or
28% haven’t got around to it.
Some reasons that previously seemed like bigger detractors to writing a Will such as finding the topic too morbid, the process too complicated or too expensive scored quite low (11%, 12%, and 13%), indicating that people are becoming more interested in making a Will.
Wills and communicating your wishes
The survey report also found that over half of UK adults (53%) hadn’t informed anyone about what should happen regarding their estate. A third (32%) of respondents have spoken to their spouse, while that drops to just 15% having told their children.
10% of people who had made a Will, had not told anyone about the existence of it. These numbers indicate that around three-in-ten Wills, or its location, are unknown when they are needed.
How we can help
Writing Your Will isn’t all doom and gloom. It can be a positive experience to identify your assets and nominate beneficiaries who will receive property, assets, belongings, savings and even pets. You can make decisions that will help friends, family and children to benefit after your death, and this can of course include donations to your nominated charities. Making a Will sets out your wishes and your estate won’t fall into the rules of intestacy – a drawn-out legal process for a family to enter after a loved one has passed away having made no Will.
Making a Will gives you certainty and assurance about settling your affairs to your own wishes.
So, if you are part of the half of the adult UK population without a Will, we’re here to help make the process as easy and straightforward as possible. Please get in touch. Lawson West Solicitors’ Probate, Wills & Trusts team offers face-to-face and digital meeting times to suit you.
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