World Cup 2022 Top Tips for Employers: Can I watch the football at work?

World Cup 2022 Top Tips for Employers:  Can I watch the football at work?

Following a thrilling Euros 2021 campaign in which England reached the final, many people will be excited to watch this year’s football spectacle in Qatar and follow their team throughout the tournament.

Top Tips and Tactics for Employers

With the World Cup just around the corner, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) has advised employers to plan ahead and to have agreements in place that would help mitigate them receiving any “penalties” or “unnecessary sending-offs.”

Annual Leave

Employers may wish to look at being a little more flexible when allowing employees time off during this period. This should be done on a fair and equal basis to ensure that employees who are not interested in the World Cup are not treated differently and do not suffer a detriment.


Employers may wish to allow their work force to amend their working hours or make an agreement to ensure that time is made up for. ACAS has recommended that allowing staff to listen to the radio or watch the TV may be a further option for employers to take. Employers may also wish to allow staff to swap shifts with others, providing that they have got the permission to do this. Employers should ensure that all staff are treated equally and thus are strongly advised to review policies and procedures when allowing staff to work flexibly.

Use of social media and websites

Many businesses will already have a social media policy in place; however, it is recommended that that employers reiterate their policy and position. Employers may also wish to inform and remind their workforce of the significance of comments on social media during the tournament. This is particularly important if the employee’s social media has links to their work place.

Unauthorised absences and short notice holidays

Previous World Cups have been scheduled during the normal summer holiday season. Many employers are used to dealing with their workforce taking holidays during the summer. However, this World Cup has been scheduled during the Winter. For some business, the winter period is their busiest period in the lead up to Christmas. Due to the unpredictability of a national team’s performance in the tournament, there is a high possibility of employees making short notice requests for holiday. Employers are advised to brief their employees on unauthorised absences and inform of them of any possible consequences.

Drinking in the workplace

The majority of football matches will take place standard work hours. While it may seem obvious, it is important for employers to remind their workforce that anyone who is caught drinking at work, or is caught to be under the influence in the workplace could be subjected to some form of disciplinary. 

The 2022 World Cup will take place in Qatar between Sunday 20 November and Sunday 18 December. Due to the time difference, football match start times in the UK will vary between 10am and 7pm.

Ryan Bhatt

Ryan Bhatt, Employment Law Team 
Lawson-West Solicitors, Leicester

"Employers and businesses are under no obligation to allow their workforce to watch the football. However, employers are advised to inform their employees of their policies and implement a clear and fair way to implement the employees’ preferences about the World Cup."

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