Menopause at work – what employers need to know

Menopause at work – what employers need to know

In 2024 we should all be comfortable talking openly about menopause.

Last year, the Fawcett Society released findings from what they believe to be the largest survey of menopausal women in the UK.

  • 77% of those surveyed experienced one or more menopausal symptoms which they described as “very difficult.”
  • 61% also said that they had lost motivation at work due to their symptoms.  Symptoms include fatigue, anxiety, loss of confidence, memory loss (as well as the more widely known symptoms such as hot flushes and reactions to noise).

Q - If you suffered from any of these symptoms daily
would you be able to carry out your role at work?

Other than supporting the menopause there is also the financial aspect. The survey by the Fawcett Society found that 1 in 10 women who worked during their menopause left work due to their symptoms (which mapped against the UK population is estimated to be 333,000 employees).

Bearing in mind that people over 50 now make up almost a third of the workforce, this is very worrying. There are direct financial costs associated with the recruitment and training of new staff to replace those who have left. There are also indirect costs due to the loss of talent, knowledge and experience within the organisation.

Although the Fawcett Society findings are focused on the experiences of those surveyed (the majority of whom identified as female), this also applies to trans men or non-binary employees, or employees with variations of sex development, who experience menopausal symptoms.

As an employer what are your Menopause obligations?

Menopausal employees have legal protections under the Equality Act 2010, employees are protected from disadvantage or less favourable treatment if they have one or more “protected characteristics.” There is no express protected characteristic of menopause, instead legal protection is offered through protection from discrimination in relation to disability, sex and age (or a combination thereof). The Equality Act also has protection rom harassment (ie, those comments often made about someone’s experience of the menopause that can result in an Employment Tribunal claim).  There are also certain protections and further obligations under Health and Safety legislation, including an obligation to carry out an assessment of risks to employees’ health and safety (which should consider the specific needs of those going through menopause).

What can employers do to support their employees?

There are several organisational steps which employers can take to support those going through menopause during their working life:

  • Implement a menopause policy.
    Such a policy can help employees understand the menopause, its symptoms and impact. This will then allow employees to be confident and comfortable holding conversations about menopause and consider how menopause may impact on other policies and practices, such as sickness absence and redundancies. An employer should make sure that they have a policy which is appropriate for their workplace.

  • Train your workforce.
    Managers and colleagues have a big part in supporting menopausal employees. Employers should give appropriate training on how to conduct conversations about menopause and suitable adjustments .

  • Appoint Menopause Champions.
    Those being designated individuals who an employee can contact to discuss menopause related issues or concerns if they are not comfortable talking to their manager.

If you are an employer and would like to discuss menopause training for people, or a manager looking to create a menopause policy, or have issues with employees who are going through the menopause, then please contact Employment Director Vaishali Thakerar who can help. Contact Us.

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