Pensions in Divorce

Pensions in Divorce

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) updated their guidance on pension sharing orders in January of this year.

Pensions are essential financial assets that should be considered as part of any divorce, and in reality, pension values can often outweigh the value of other assets which divorcing couples focus on, such as the family home.

Statistics show that a high percentage of women omit to consider pension claims in their divorces, with many being unaware that pension division is available to them, either by way of a Pension Sharing Order or Pension Offsetting against other assets. This can occur in circumstances when divorcing couples do their own “DIY divorce”.

Senior Associate Family Solicitor, Alistair Dobson, comments:

“Considering pension division in divorce to address the disparity in pension values is important, particularly when in lots of cases women have lower pension funds or even no pensions at all, either because they have been out of the workplace looking after children, or because of the gender pay gap.”

If you are facing divorce and want to know if your partner’s pension pot can be drawn into the negotiation, without harming your own financial interests, then please contact the Family team here. We can make an assessment of your financial structures and advise accordingly.

Call our expert Family Team on 0116 212 1000

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