Are you a Migraine sufferer?

Are you a Migraine sufferer?

This week is migraine awareness week. Many employers do not understand the awful effects of migraines and they could do more to support staff with the condition.

Research has found that one in seven people affected by migraines found that their employers had not done enough to support them.

In a survey of more than 2,000 UK adults by the Migraine Trust, Migraine Action and the National Migraine Centre, 64% said they thought employers were not properly informed about the nature of migraines or how they affected employees.

One in five believed health professionals were not fully aware of the impact of migraine on their patients either.

Nine million people in the UK are thought to suffer from migraines, with women more likely to be affected than men.

The most common migraine symptoms are:

  • throbbing headache
  • sensitivity to light or noise
  • nausea, feeling sick
  • seeing flashing lights or coloured spots
  • dizziness
  • double vision

It has been reported that one sufferer was told by one of her former employers she would be fired if her absences due to migraines didn't improve. She described the migraine pain is "like someone hitting my brain with an ice pick."

Although she has had some very understanding managers, she says she has also experienced a complete lack of support. But her employer simply told her to “pull her socks up and be more resilient.”

Every year, millions of days are lost because of migraines in the workplace and in schools in the UK.

Vaishali Thakerar Head of Employment at Lawson West Solicitors has said that migraines can be classed as a disability if it is severe enough to affect an employees ability to carry out their day to day activities. Many employers are unaware that this condition can constitute a disability.

If you feel that you are being treated unfairly due to suffering with migraines or any other disability then please contact our specialist team on 0116 212 1059.

If you are an employer who has an employee who is frequently off sick due to migraines or any other condition and do not know how to manage this absence then please call our employment team on 0116 212 1059.

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